Friday, January 11, 2008

New Name Extravaganza

We would like to welcome you to the first ever, LTS "New Name Extravaganza." A wise old man once said "there is nothing better to do with a four hour car ride back to school, than come up with blog names." So yeah...that's what we did. Just your two capable LTS authors and their compatriot, let's call him "Nick." Everyone contributed an equal amount of possible names, but if you choose one of "Nick's" he will get a year's free membership to this blog. Big stakes.

Anyway, some good ones were thrown out there, and we invite you to go ahead and let us know what you think. Here they are:

  • Vestigial Structure
  • Orion's Overalls
  • White Men Can't Blog
  • Honorable Mention
  • A Little Off the Top
  • The Wrath of Grapes
  • L'eggo My Penis
  • The Hills are Alive...Run for your Life
  • Just Use A Pine Cone
  • Magic: The Get-Together

Go ahead and vote for your favorite, and tell us why in the "comments section." Take care in your choice, as this will be what you look at day after day in your epic search for gold amidst our tankards of crap. It's something you have to see all the time, like your bathroom wallpaper or your bastard children. Both require careful thought before committing, and so does this. So tell us what you think, we'll count up the votes, and see who the winner is. Then we'll probably choose the one we like best anyway.

Your friends,

Joe & Rob

Correction Asshole, its Rob & Joe


Anonymous said...

"Just use a pine cone" seems to be the best and most original, and it seems to help capture what actually happens here- spontaneous absurdity of vastly vital significance, but i feel it's still lacking a bit. perhaps after a good d2 dinner discussion (i love alliterating) we may have something truly glorious. i mean, like, what if you could rename yourself, how much thought and time would go into that decision? this blog is a living entity, it deserves our respect; it deserves a future with the most badass name our language can offer.

just gonna throw a word out there: Scuttlebutt, and possibly even Scuttlebutters. They remind me of nutter butters, which are delicious. associating "delicious" with anything is always promotional. the potential is staggering...

Other words include:

sesquipedalian (credit to.. uhh.. someone else)

those are all of my word.

Anonymous said...

Another awesome word:

Taradiddle! I'm not sure where I first saw it, but it has that great quality of sounding like, in an oddly un-onomatopoeic way, what it means. Kind of like scuttlebutt!

Anonymous said...

I think my favorite has got to be "The Wrath of Grapes"...because then I can put "The great american blog" in the subtext.

I also like "White Men Can't Blog."

We are Rob said...

ok people, we like the input, but this is a VOTE. When you go to elections you don't write in "Terrence" over all the names, do you? No, you pick from what you're given.


Anonymous said...

i do. all the names i don't like, i scratch out, maybe even draw some pirate flags, skulls, and daggers. then fill it back in with a more suitable choice, like "stu," "george carlin," or perhaps even someone with intense tourettes, since you mentioned him. yes sir, he'd make a fiiine president.

PS "paul" is brilliant and also an option for voting time. Taradiddle Scuttlebutt! hey, that's even a better slogan than most of the real ones i've seen

Maintenance Man said...

I'm torn between "A Little off the Top" and "The Wrath of Grapes" because of the prospect of having "The Great American Blog" beneath it.

Also, I've figured out one of "Nick's" suggestions, but I can't for the life of me deduce the others.

Anonymous said...

I have become excited because someone else used the word "Scuttlebutt".

Wrath of Grapes. Let's go.

You should both know who I am but I want to be a creeeepy staaaaalker.


Mike said...

The Wrath of Grapes
Just use a Pine Cone

Boht great one's!