Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Out of Hibernation

Ah my resplendent readers, time has been cruel. You look awful. I, on the other hand, am well rested and ready to begin this fantastic process of blogging once again.

Joe and I...

Sidenote: English grammar and I are on speaking terms again.

...decided to hold off on the blogging until all the votes had been cast and the new title had been chosen. Of the dozen(s) of absentee ballots sent in, we only listened to ourselves. I am not going to write for a blog named Scuttlebutt. I refuse.

So, we've been holding off on writing any blogs for a little while. Even if the mood should strike me and I had a brilliant idea, I just kept it locked up until I could write with impunity. And readers, I had a good one, too. It had wit, class, and flavor.

Unfortunately I received a blunt force trauma to my upper temporal lobe recently...and I completely forgot my blog....as well as third grade.....

Until inspiration for a well-written diatribe on the American ideal comes my way again, I'm just going to share some stories and thoughts with you:

Cartoon Fruit is Wrong

In my free time I enjoy cartoons. Tom & Jerry is delightful in ways I can barely understand, and a day involving the Roadrunner always proves to be fantastic. But I do have one problem with this created world.

Their fruit is all wrong.

Take the apple. When it's in it's full form, it's drawn fine. I'm talking about when it is discarded, and becomes a core. Whenever I see a drawn apple core, it always looks like this:

Think about it for a second. When have you ever left an apple core like that? When you finish the core, its a cylinder. What's with the leftover at the top and bottom? No sane person leaves a shred of red on their apple core. I'm more accepting of the people who eat the entire core, seeds and all. At least they're good consumers. The people at Looney Toons are wasteful! Shame on them.

And then there's the banana. At the early age of seven I came to the astonishing conclusion that...banana peels...are not slippery. Not in the slightest. They are, in fact, full of friction. We have been lied to, America.

Three Goals of My Life

1) To master the art of Occlumency.

2) To burp and fart at the same time, to see if my tummy will implode.

3) To have my future wife be the inspiration for a Lifetime channel movie.

Built Ford Dumb

I've seen a lot of stupid things in my years year at college. I've seen someone try to balance on a keg rolling down a hill. I've seen a guy dance with two girls without them noticing. I've even witnessed one moron try to microwave his own pants. But I've seen something recently that might even rival that last one, and it was in broad daylight in presumably sober circumstances.

We've all seen, at one time or another, a vehicle towing another vehicle. A tow truck would be a good example of this. Sometimes you see a little Camry being pulled by a van on the highway, and they have it set up so that the brake lights still show up behind the both of them (I think that's kind of cool). Both of these do the job safely and with effective results.

I was driving around campus the other day, and I see a small pickup truck slowly pull out onto the road. I saw nothing peculiar about the situation until I saw what that vehicle was towing. Tied behind the small truck was another (much bigger) white truck. I don't know what the situation was, but I sincerely hope that the big truck was horribly crippled and unable to function. Otherwise, a person who attends the same institution of higher learning that I do decided that he wanted to see if there was any truth behind "The Little Engine That Could." As the small truck towed the big truck up an incline on campus, I realized that the individuals involved must have seen this commercial:

Take a close look at that commercial. What was tying the truck to the airplane? Chains. Big F'in chains. You want to know what was connecting the two trucks in my real-life commercial? A rope. Singular. I'm sure it was braided very well and made out of the best hemp money can buy. Despite all that, the cars behind the little Ford parade were giving them a wide berth well above the three-second-rule.

I was going in the opposite direction, but I parked to watch the fun. The little truck started trundling up a hill, almost to the point of standstill. And as I hoped would happen, there was....a parting of ways for the two trucks.

I wish I had brought popcorn.

The smaller car gave a sudden lunge forward as the rope snapped (who'd have seen that coming?), and the big truck started doing what physics wanted it to do. The best part was the expressions on the faces of the people behind as they saw the back-end of American steel coming at them. To me, their eyes were saying "Well fuck me sideways. I'm screwed."

At the last second the truck swerved onto the sidewalk and came to a halt. Disaster averted, to the extreme disappointment of most. At that point I drove off, but I really wish I could have been there when the owners of the trucks decided on what to do: "Well jeez, Hank. I guess next time we should try two ropes."



We're MOVED!

The name has been chosen. We will start writing again soon. This new space of the internet is different...a lot of our stuff doesn't work yet. But anyway, welcome to the new Blog of the Ages.

Update your bookmarks!


Rob & Joe

Friday, January 11, 2008

New Name Extravaganza

We would like to welcome you to the first ever, LTS "New Name Extravaganza." A wise old man once said "there is nothing better to do with a four hour car ride back to school, than come up with blog names." So yeah...that's what we did. Just your two capable LTS authors and their compatriot, let's call him "Nick." Everyone contributed an equal amount of possible names, but if you choose one of "Nick's" he will get a year's free membership to this blog. Big stakes.

Anyway, some good ones were thrown out there, and we invite you to go ahead and let us know what you think. Here they are:

  • Vestigial Structure
  • Orion's Overalls
  • White Men Can't Blog
  • Honorable Mention
  • A Little Off the Top
  • The Wrath of Grapes
  • L'eggo My Penis
  • The Hills are Alive...Run for your Life
  • Just Use A Pine Cone
  • Magic: The Get-Together

Go ahead and vote for your favorite, and tell us why in the "comments section." Take care in your choice, as this will be what you look at day after day in your epic search for gold amidst our tankards of crap. It's something you have to see all the time, like your bathroom wallpaper or your bastard children. Both require careful thought before committing, and so does this. So tell us what you think, we'll count up the votes, and see who the winner is. Then we'll probably choose the one we like best anyway.

Your friends,

Joe & Rob

Correction Asshole, its Rob & Joe

When times are tough...

(click to enlarge)

Just found this picture. If you're going through some tough times, we hope it gives you strength.


Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Reasons We Won't Get A Pulitzer

Have you ever been talking to someone on the phone, and then realize that you're making hand movements? Of course the other person can't see these movements, and you feel like a fool. And then you start flipping the bird...and they have no idea....and you feel superior. So next time you're talking on the phone with me...and you hear me giggle....you just got insulted Stevie Wonder-style.

For Christmas, me and my sister got a tin of cookies from Santa. They have all been very delectable so far, with layers of different flavors, each one separated by a sheet of wax paper. Well, a week or two ago, I was grabbing a cookie and I thought I felt a soft layer at the very bottom of the container. I immediately thought, 'oooooh, there's a brownie layer at the bottom!' So we've been eating the cookies at a regular pace, until finally there's only one more piece of wax paper left. I peel it back expecting brownie-town. Instead, it was a layer of Styrofoam. I know I shouldn't have been so hurt from this, but I've fallen into a depression. Long story short, I've started drinking again.

This is going to be an odd tale to tell. To start with, I'm a spontaneous burper. What this means is that I don't feel the burp coming...it just fuckin happens. In any situation, it could happen. Well...I was kissing my girlfriend......and it happened. The sound reached her first, like a whoopie cushion getting stabbed with a fork, just a "fpuhh". There was a moment of confusion, and then instantly her senses of smell...and taste....made her understand what was going on. Her eyes widened in disgust....and she punched me in the face. Anyway, I might be single very soon.



Wednesday, January 2, 2008

2008: A Space Odyssey

I would like to spend a short amount of time finishing up our talk about the holidays. Me and Joe ..

Sidenote: I did not write 'Joe and I' because grammar is stupid.

...have already said our part about our Christmas festivities.: Joe with his humorous tweezers and I with my racism. But before I go on, some stories must be told about New Years:

The One with the Water Bed

To start with, a large crowd of us decided to spend New Years as far away from our family as possible in a rural town that we normally stop at for gas on the way to civilization. Just so happens a friend of us from that locale had evolved to the point where she could leave the area and achieve higher education. She had invited us for some new years festivities.

My girlfriend, being Chinese, didn't really believe in our New Year's, but she decided to come as well.

When we arrived at said locale, we were allowed to pick out beds. I immediately smelled awesomeness and discovered that there was a water bed. I love to sleep with the vague idea that my raft had drifted off to sea. That night....I was a pirate. If only me and Joe and gone ahead and bought thought $34.50 slippers already.

The One with the Laser Tag

In a Santa Grab-Bag kind of deal on Christmas Eve, I had received an incredible gift. Laser Tag. Sure Laser Tag was the dried up shell of entertainment it used to be. Sure it was marketed for kids 8 and up. And sure the straps dangled in front of me because they couldn't reach each other in the back. But dammit, its Laser Tag.

It was fun for about five minutes.

Until somebody...Joe.....remembers that all you have to is cover the sensor with one hand while you shoot.


I hate you Joe, and that was the main reason for this next story.

The One with Show and Tell

For all the people who attended the party, there was in total, one bathroom. One shower. One toilet. 17 various bottles of shampoo and conditioner and body wash. All alphabetized with the labels facing out. And DEATH to whomever messes with said bottles.

So Joe was taking a shower while a girl (an avid reader of the blog, let's call her "Caitie") was washing her face in the sink.

Sidenote: The washing of the face is apparently a big deal to girl's. I've seen a lot of commercials with pretty girls just splashing their faces: cleansing the pores and all that junk. Guys...I'm gonna go ahead and say it...don't have pores. We have seven holes on our head, and two of them are filled with eyeballs. That's it.

I was not one to let such an opportunity pass me by. I begin walking through the bathroom, and grabbing the shower curtain, I continue walking. As one would expect from such a situation, there was a gasp from the occupier of the shadow accompanied by a flurry of hand-to-crotch movement. At that moment "Caitie" turned around at the commotion...and saw everything.

Joe insists that it was cold that night.

The One with the Minor

Statutory rape has such a stigma around it. At first I thought it was about people who have forced entry with statues. Turns out this is not the case. Apparently it involves contact across the Age Line. This age line which is around 18 in most societies prohibits making whoopie and gaining entrance into the Triwizard Tournament.

The person who was throwing this hoopla was a Freshman at our University for the Gifted, and as is not uncommon, she had some younger friends who were still in high school. These two young ladies were swiftly indoctrinated into our type of conversation. Our friend Jon informed them as to the benefits of butt sex, and I told them that I prefer amputee girls because they can't push me away.

These ladies, it turns out, were the innocent age of 17. The single guys of the group immediately threw up their Fortresses of Solitude and committed themselves to celibacy. One of our group, let's call him "Joe" (name might sound familiar), soon had a problem. As the night wore on, it became clear that one of the girls clearly had a thing for him. So the whole night was a battle within himself not to get too drunk as she basically followed him around, openly giggling.

"Joe": Hey, let's play quarters.
Hannah Montanah: Can you teach me?

"Joe": I don't like Kings, pick a different game.
Vanessa Hudgens: Yeah, I don't like Kings.

"Joe": How about Fuck the Dealer?
Quagmire: Gigity Gigity Goo!

The One with the Ketchaculation

This will be a short story because I am still embarrassed about it.

We went to dinner at this diner-type place. A bunch of us were at a long table waiting for our food to come. On the other side of the table I saw my compatriots somehow rolling ketchup packets into neat bricks and stacking them. I have no idea how it was done, and I still don't. At my first attempt at it, I rolled the ketchup packet a little too tight...and to the amusement of most, it exploded...

Sidenote: Rob? What do you mean by exploded? I mean it fuckin exploded! The entire fuckin diner turned around.

...splattering ketchup on my girlfriend's face. To which my friend Jon immediately yelled: "You just busted all over her face!"

There is no telling how many apologies and good deeds it will take to clear this fiasco up.

The One with the De-Brained Rabbit

This has nothing to do with the New Year's party. This occurred after I had returned home. For Christmas, my dog had received a squeaky chew toy in the shape of a rabbit. We did not have much hopes for the survival of this animal, but nobody expected this:

Sidenote Scene from Starship Troopers: "Looks like the bugs got at his brains, sir."

The One with the End of the Blog

